March 19, 2022, 08:20:53 PM by
the_daraiViews: 4038 | Comments: 6
Hey gang, some terrific news. After years of incomplete projects, delays, disapppointments, one team chiseled away at what was an arduous task. And today, all their hard work paid off. That's right, the English Patch for the Japanese exclusive Game Boy Advance game, Klonoa Heroes, has been completed! All you need to do is get your legally obtained ROM and patch it over, or use a GBA emulator that auto-patches the rom. Anyway, you can get the patch for the ROM here: that said, I would love to give thanks to this people who made this possible, so please, if you're on the KMC Discord server, show your love those these fine folks:
- @StarryScarab
- @Altair
@rcs709 - @Megahog2015
@vervalkon - @RayCarrot
That's all for now!